memory bank

Hello Blog... i celebrate your wonderful creation.. and I.. your creator will fill u full of my daily life, misfortune, and adventure.... probably all food related... Mostly i will just put lots of useful information that i think ill need later... such as a new recipe i try.. and whether i failed.. whether it was good or awful.. and what to fix for next time.. and maybe perhaps reviews on restaurants i go to.. so that i may look back on you to see if i liked it or not.. and also a collection of wine reviews.. bcus i know i never remember those by the second bottle.. hehe... Basically blog... u will become that part of my brain that is supposed to remember these types of things and yet always seems to forget... Dont feel intimidated... ill take it slow and i promise to be gentle oh little blog.. well take it one step at a time.. and eventually my cute little blog.. you will blossom into the big beautiful blog/database that i know u can become... がんばります!!~

Monday, May 17, 2010

rewind~~~~ some past dishes i wanted to archive (part 1)

 crock pots are amazing things... if u don't feel like cooking... u just put a bunch of stuff into it.. and just let it sit there... 8 hours later voila!~ dinner is ready :) i don't usually use it but i was feeling very lazy because of finals... i put a big chuck roast in there... some potatoes.. carrots... s+p....  a couple sprigs of rosemary.. garlic cloves... some beef stock and a few shakes of oregano :) my roommates love to open things when im not looking so i had to duct tape the cover onto the crock pot (~_~)....  cooking in the pot all day made the house smell soooo good.. ^ ^ the time it was dinner time i didnt even have time to take a pic.. got eaten up very quickly ^ ^
one successful dinner and i didnt even feel like i did anything (^_~)V

yummy kabocha muffins ^ ^

i made them as a present and i think they are my favorite now :) i love kabocha so it was really nice to find another way to incorporate this awesome pumpkin into something else.... there are raisins mixed into the batter and sunflower seeds sprinkled on top.. yummy!~

rotini style pasta with red peppers... basil... fresh mozzarella... and spinich... s+p and olive oil also....  a simple easy one pot dish for nights when i dont wanna eat meat... very yummy... i dont really like sauces and stuff too much.. this is perfect.. just cook the pasta.. saute everything else.. put it all together.. :)

spanish chicken with roasted new potatoes...
really yummy.... new fingerling potatoes r soo good... they are smooth and soft and taste wonderful all by themselves... i cut them in fours.. tossed them in olive oil and s+p... and put them in the oven.. they came out perfect... the chicken had bell peppers diced tomatoes.. garlic.. paprika.. thyme... and red pepper... very yummy...

chirashi zushi :) my first time :)
i made the tamago myself.. took a bit of work.. trying to get the shape of the tamago to be squarish.. hehe... the salmon fell apart when i tried to cut it.. (dull knives... (x_x)...) wasnt sure how to cut the unagi... looks good though and tasted good as well... :)

japanese hamburger.. japanese potato salad.. w/ mushrooms... tomatoes and cabbage :)
one of my most favorite dishes ^ ^  on a past trip i learned how to make it from a master home chef and its really really good :)
its a good dish for the roomates too because even the picky ones really like it when i make this :) the hamburger is a secret mixture :) and the mushroom and tomatoes are cooked on top of the patties in the pan... 

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